
Revolution Kids provides an outlet for at-risk youth to learn the skill of biker repair while doing community service and earning a bike for themselves. Partnering with the City of Annapolis Police Department, Transportation Department, and Recreation and Parks Department, the program engages youth in a constructive activity that leads to skill development, positive social engagement, and community service

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lesson 2: Brakes

When I walked into the bike shop this afternoon the group was well on their way to learning about brakes and how to install them on a bike. All 6 kids of the pilot program were present along with 2 volunteers and project managers:  Jennifer Bistrack and Corporal Craig Medley. Craig was leading the group in the finesse of working brakes and then making sure that each participant had a chance to put the knew knowledge to work on one of the 3 bikes that stand as part of a work station.  The group is really coming together and just devouring the wisdom that Craig imparts on them. As always the early success of this program is also due in part to our wonderful volunteers.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Participants Begin Revolution Kids Program!

At 5pm on October 14, 2010 the Revolution Kids Bike Shop welcomed in the first group of youth participants. Five of the Six individuals who make up the pilot program were on hand for the first lesson. After introductions, bike shop rules, and  an evaluative pre-test, everyone was ready to roll up their sleeves and get a little dirty. Corporal Craig Medley led the group through lesson 1: tire and wheel systems. After giving a demonstration of removing a wheel and tire to check for leaks/wholes, the group divided up amongst the three stations. Each station was equipped with a trained volunteer and a bike in need of tire help. The kids got right down to work and quickly felt very comfortable releasing the tires and checking for holes. After, adequate practice the group was dismissed after successfully completing lesson 1. They will all be back again to the bike shop, housed in the Pip Moyer Recreation Center, next week's lessons will be brakes.